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  • Sales funnel work on Marketing

    Posted by Vidhya on August 26, 2022 at 5:47 pm

     How Does the Sales Funnel Work On Marketing?


    emily replied 4 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Khushbu

    August 26, 2022 at 5:51 pm
    1325 Coins

    The sales Funnel is the step for buyers to purchase your products and services. You may better understand your sales funnel’s operation and its weak points by analyzing it. Additionally, it will assist you in locating the gaps in the various stages of your sales funnel where prospects drop out and do not convert into customers. By knowing your sales funnel, you can direct prospects through it and determine whether they convert.

    The steps someone takes to become a customer are outlined in a sales funnel. There are three components to it:

    1. Top Funnel: The marketing at the top of the funnel draws potential customers to your company. 

    For Example: The Advertising on your physical storefront, or the landing page of your website.

    2. Middle Funnel: The Whole purpose of the pre-sale and sales process is included in the middle of the funnel. 

    For Example: If the people trying on clothing in your store, or website visitors reading about the benefits of your products.

    3. Bottom Funnel: The last purchase is made at the bottom of the funnel.

    For Example, The customers paying for clothes at checkout, or the website customers entering their credit card info to complete a purchase.

  • Mehar Farhana

    August 26, 2022 at 5:54 pm
    465 Coins
    Badges: singlebag badges Newbie

    What are the steps to creating a sales funnel for your business?

  • Khushbu

    August 26, 2022 at 6:00 pm
    1325 Coins

    1. Create a landing page first: 

    The first time potential customers discover about your business will probably be on a landing page. Clicking on an advertisement, registering for a webinar, or downloading an eBook will lead them to a landing page. That page ought, to sum up your company’s identity and distinguishing qualities. 

    2. Make a valuable offer:

    Here’s where you have to offer your potential customers something in return for their email addresses. An eBook or whitepaper can be used as a lead magnet to effectively give something of value to your landing page.

    3. Start Strengthening:

    Your prospects will then transition from the Awareness stage into the Interest stage at this point. 

    4. Upsell: 

    Prospects entering the Decision stage will be encouraged to purchase if you offer anything that can promote such a decision. A product demo, prolonged free trial, or exclusive discount are a few examples of this.

    5. Keep it going:

    You either acquire new clients during the Action phase or learn the reasons why potential customers aren’t interested in making a purchase. Regardless of the outcome, keep communication open. 

  • Delison

    September 7, 2022 at 1:11 pm

    Hello Fellas,

    A potential customer’s journey when considering a purchase from you is referred to in marketing as a “sales funnel.” You require the appropriate sales funnel management assistance in order to sell a product. There are four stages in the sales funnel that correspond to the attitude of your potential customers:

    You drew the customer’s attention by being aware. It may be a blog post you authored, a social media update you posted, or a Google search result for your website. He’s starting to realise you exist, which opens up the following phase.

    Customers are now studying your company and its products and comparing them to competitors out of interest.

    It is best to avoid being overly forceful and pressuring the client to decide at this time because doing so will drive him away.

    After considering it and conducting research, the customer is ready to make a decision. Now is the ideal time to provide him with a compelling offer. It might take the form of a discount, free shipping, a free bonus item, etc.

    He took action by choosing your good or service and joining the ecosystem of your company.

    The next step would be to concentrate on retaining the client. You must consider the long term. concentrating on keeping customers!

    The sales Funnel is the step for buyers to purchase your products and services. By analysing your sales funnel’s operation and its weak points, you may better understand it. Additionally, it will assist you in locating the gaps in the various stages of your sales funnel where prospects drop out and do not convert into customers. Knowing your sales funnel lets you direct prospects through it and determine whether they convert.


  • Muthu

    September 7, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    A good model for comprehending the customer journey from initial awareness through conversion is the sales funnel. Additionally, it gives businesses a framework for analysing their operations and pinpointing areas for development.


  • emily

    March 25, 2024 at 4:24 pm
    140 Coins
    Badges: singlebag badges Newbie

    This initial stage is all about generating awareness and making
    potential customers recognize a problem they might have. Here, marketing
    efforts focus on broad reach, using content marketing, social media,
    and other strategies to educate a large audience about the issue. Once potential customers are aware of the problem, they move into the
    MOFU stage. Here, they’re actively researching solutions and considering
    their options. This is where you provide more in-depth content that
    showcases your product or service as the ideal solution. Case studies,
    demos, webinars, and email marketing are commonly used at this stage. At the BOFU stage, prospects are ready to make a decision. They
    understand the problem, they know your solution exists, and they’re
    comparing you to competitors. Here, you focus on driving conversions
    with strong calls to action, free trials, consultations, and special

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