Community Guidelines

Welcome to Singlebag Community

The Singlebag Community provides discussion forums for merchants, partners, experts, as well as those hoping to find out more about ecommerce. You can participate in business discussions, get support for specialized inquiries from other Community members, and learn more about Singlebag in general.

Introducing our Community:

In today’s digital world of information, finding solutions depends on looking at it in the right place.

From looking for code bits to helping clients with explicit business needs, the right solution to your question might be concealed in the wild west of discussion forums. Our job at Singlebag is to improve on the investigator work for you.

Presenting Singlebag Community-an upgraded ecommerce forum experience. Access a Community with Singlebag Partners, merchants, ecommerce experts and participate in significant discussions with your friends.

With further developed search functionality, acknowledged solutions, and participation rewards, Singlebag Community is your opportunity to interface with, gain from, and help ecommerce experts all over the world.

Features on our Community:

  1. We provide Support:
    Our Ecommerce Community-based forum is a great place to learn, share, and troubleshoot. The Singlebag Community provides discussion forums for merchants, partners, experts, as well as those hoping to find out more about ecommerce. You can participate in business discussions, get support for specialized inquiries from other Community members, and learn more about Singlebag in general.
  2. Academy:
    Your first stop where you’ll find information on everything from how to create an online Ecommerce store online in Singlebag to how to market them digitally.
  3. Set up and manage profiles:
    Setup your own profile where you can display a collection of settings and information associated about yourself. It will be defined as the explicit digital representation of your identity with respect to the operating environment, and the activities you perform on Singlebag Community forum.
  4. Grow your network:
    1. Create groups, join groups
    2. Add, like, share and comment on posts
    3. Request friends, send messages etc
    4. Meet learners around the world
  5. Participation rewards, badges, and levels:
    To recognize our dynamic Community members for their diligent effort tending to solve issues, we’ve set up a reward system. Earn badges and complete levels by performing certain activities on our Community forum by posting answers, like, comment, share posts etc. As a believed source inside Singlebag Community, you’ll have the option to incline towards more open doors.

Points Privileges:

These activities are performed within the user’s profile:

  1. Register on our community – the user will be awarded ‘100’ points on 1ST registration
  2. Visit your profile every day – 5pts for the daily site visit
  3. Upload a profile picture – if the user uploads a profile picture, he/she will be given ‘5’ points
  4. Send a friend request – if the user accepts a friend request they’ll be awarded ‘2’ points
  5. Like a post – if a user likes another user’s post, they’ll be given ‘2’ points
  6. Comment on a post – if a user comments on another user’s post, they’ll be given ‘2’ points

Activities performed in Forum:

  1. Create a new topic on a specific forum – 5 points will be awarded
  2. Reply to a topic on a specific forum – 5 points will be awarded


  1. Enroll a course – on enrolling in a course the registered user will be given ‘10’ points
  2. Course completion – if a user completes a course, the user will be awarded ‘10’ points
  3. Complete a quiz – if the user completes a quiz after taking a course, he/she will be given ‘10’ points
  4. Passed in a quiz – if a user completes the course with a passing score they’ll be given ‘5’ points
  5. Course completion certificate – if a user completes the course and gets a certificate, they’re given ‘100’ points


When a member is new to the Community forum they’re rewarded with a ‘newbie’ badge.
Life Saver
if a member in the Community answers ‘50’ questions, they’ll be given a ‘life saver’ badge
A person who is already famous in other communities is awarded a ‘VIP’ badge.
Member who has the responsibility of monitoring the Community and enforcing the Code of Conduct and Community Guidelines will be given a ‘moderator’ badge
Member who has ‘100’ friends and above are rewarded with a ‘networker’ badge.
Top Contributor
A person who participates in all activities say raising and answering ‘50’ and more questions, writing, liking, sharing ‘50’ and more posts, and always actively present on the Community forum are awarded the ‘top contributor’ badge
The one who visits their profile regularly for their first ‘100’ days is mentioned as a ‘verified’ account.
The one who refers the Singlebag community to 100 and more people is awarded the ‘influencer’ badge.
Anniversary Badge
On completion of every year from the date of joining, each member is given an ‘anniversary’ badge.
After completion of Singlebag eCommerce courses, each member is awarded a certified badge.


Everyone enters the beginner level as soon as they register in Singlebag Community.
Activities to be performed and badges to be earned for securing intermediate level
  1. Ask questions – 30 pts * 100 questions = 3000 points (Seeker)
  2. Answer questions – 40 pts * 100 answers = 4000 points (Life saver)
  3. Complete courses – 240 pts * 5 courses = 1200 points (Certified)
  4. Register – 100 points (Newbie)
  5. Daily visit – 20 pts * 100 days = 2000 points (Verified)
  6. Post – 30 pts * 100 posts = 3000 points
  7. Write blogs – 50 pts * 50 blogs = 2500 points
  8. Create networks (friends) – 15 pts * 100 friends = 1500 points (Networker)
To complete intermediate level the user has to score 18,000 – 20,000 points on an average.
Activities to be performed and badges to be earned for securing expert level are as same as intermediate level.
  • Double the points of intermediate level to be earned to attain expert level.

Rule based guideline:

The Singlebag Community provides a safe space for Singlebag users such as merchants, Partners, and Community experts, as well as those who’re looking to learn more, seek feedback, obtain shared help, etc.

Here are the rules of our Community:

      • Review and stick to the Code of Conduct.
      • Be kind to new individuals. Everybody was new once.
      • Individual assaults and hateful speech won’t go on without serious consequences.
      • Criticism should always be constructive, not hostile all the time.
      • Remain on-topic, selecting to begin a new-topic assuming that the subject is unique.
      • Do not send spontaneous private messages.
      • Do not demand individual, or delicate information from other members.
      • Be aware of posting spam.
      • Do not game the structure, or complicit with different individuals, or use multiple Community accounts. Likes, and Solution abuse will not be tolerated, won’t go on without serious consequences.
      • Participate in main activities to earn gifts, coupons, and merchandise.
      • Coins earned through daily visits and friend requests cannot directly purchase merchandise.
      • Orders placed through such earnings will not be taken into account.
      • Engage actively in discussions, contribute valuable content, and participate in events to earn and redeem rewards and place merchandise orders.
      • The moderators in the community validate the user earnings if an order is being placed.

Community posts may be locked or removed if they do not stick to the guidelines above.

Community posts will also be removed if they:

      • Violate any copyrights or licenses.
      • Contain personal, or sensitive information.

If you have questions about the Singlebag Community Guidelines submit a detailed email to so the Community team can provide assistance.


The Singlebag Community provides a safe space for Singlebag users to learn more, seek feedback, obtain peer support, etc. Anyone who uses Singlebag or is looking to become an entrepreneur may use this space.

To help you get most of the Singlebag Community please review our Code of Conduct. Adhering to the Code of Conduct in combination with the Community Guidelines can help avoid your posts being marked as spam or your account being banned.

Look out:

The Singlebag Community contains a lot of information. We recommend performing a search for your question before posting a new topic as you might find a solution for your question. When searching, look for the most liked answer denoted as “Upvotes” to see if a solution was provided and remember to like the solution if it helped.

Stay on topic and avoid posting in older topics

  • Avoid posting in unrelated topics
  • When in doubt, make a new topic

Instead of responding to an older topic that hasn’t received any updates in several months, consider making a new topic and referencing the older topic within. If you are providing a possible solution, you must tailor your reply to explain why the suggestion is a solution to the question asked.

Be true, and helpful:

Being valid in the Community implies fitting each answer to be unique. Guarantee you increase the value of each post, and provide information based on the context the poster has provided.

Do not claim that you are a Singlebag Expert/Partner except if you have been conceded the suitable position inside the Singlebag Community as well. Imitating Singlebag Staff by saying you work for Singlebag, you are a Singlebag “Master” or “Consultant” is disallowed.

Be aware of promoting some help you are presenting as it tends to be viewed as spam. If you believe your service is a possible solution to a user’s question, then you will need to tailor your reply to explain why. Be straightforward whether you charge for those services too.

Offering an answer that just directs users away from the Community, for example, an affiliate link or promoting another blog doesn’t increase the value of the Community.

A basic, “I can help, reach me here” kind of post might be taken out by the Singlebag Community group. To prevent this, increase the value of your answer by explaining how you could possibly help them. After some conversation, and in the event that what the user is requesting is extremely customized, you can recommend they reach you by offering something as per:

  • “If you’d like to discuss this more, don’t hesitate to send me a DM.”
Contact information included in a reply (i.e., Fiverr connection, email, WhatsApp, skype, telephone number) is viewed as spam and will be eliminated from the Community.


Spam offers no benefit to the Community and won’t go on without serious consequences. The rundown underneath frames the most well-known ways of behaviour that are considered spam. This is not an exhaustive list:

  • Unsolicited mentions, and referencing Singlebag staff in subjects they have not partaken in
  • Basically, advancing an outsider site/blog
  • Copy and pasting the same topic, or reply across several boards
  • Posting nonexclusive limited time spots for items, or services
  • Sending unsolicited private messages
  • “Contact me/Reach me” signifies just answers

Referencing store access:

Try not to request store administrator login details or passwords. Requesting access to a client’s store. Replies that ask for collaborator access, without providing any added context such as “how you may be able to help” are considered as spam and will be removed.

It is satisfactory to request a store’s URL when necessary for troubleshooting. Further, a user might ask for a password if the store has a password enabled. All answers ought to offer some benefit, or adequate setting, for example, why you might be requesting access.

Posting a job:

Local area individuals can post a job demand inside the Singlebag job search and resources topic but must stick to the code of conduct guidelines. There you’re only allowed to answer with a simple “I can help, reach me here, contact me here’ type of reply.

Moderator in the Community:

Moderators at Singlebag Community have the responsibility of monitoring the Community and enforcing the Code of Conduct and Community Guidelines. To enforce these policies, some actions that can and will be taken by Moderators include:

  • Editing or removing topics and replies
  • Revoking private messaging abilities
  • Temporarily banning access to your account
  • Permanently banning access to your account
In most situations, Moderators will provide warnings via private message before banning a user from their account.

Report posts containing abusive, harassment, or spam content:

Abuse won’t go on without serious consequences and will be taken out from the Community. Abuse incorporates harassment, hate speech, insults, threats, and violent content.

If you spot abusive, harassment, or content that could be considered spam, kindly let our Community group know so we can audit it. We like your assistance in keeping our community a safe place. To report inappropriate content, click on the report option.

Gaming the structure:

Try not to manhandle likes, solutions, or ranking features found inside the Community, for example, creating multiple accounts and/or colluding with others on likes/solutions. Try not to make posts with the plan of having a particular user.

If you have questions about the Singlebag Community Code of Conduct submit a detailed email to so the Community team can provide assistance.

Legal Disclaimer

The information provided in this forum is for informational purposes only and doesn’t comprise lawful, monetary, or business guidance by Singlebag. You should consult your own lawyer or different specialists prior to depending on any information available in this forum. A portion of the information contained in this forum is given by third party users. Singlebag isn’t liable for such content, and doesn’t support, confirm, or in any case underwrite such information. All information in this discussion is given distinctly as general information and may not be precise, up to date, or accurately mirror the present status of the law or the policies of Singlebag or any third-party providers. Singlebag explicitly renounces all obligation in respect of any or all content in this forum.