Activity Feed Forums General Tech Discussion Remitano clone script – To start your P2P crypto exchange business like Remitano

  • Remitano clone script – To start your P2P crypto exchange business like Remitano

    Posted by Joe@8112000 on May 28, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    Crypto traders want to trade cryptocurrencies without any intermediaries. For them small number of p2p crypto exchanges are staying in the market, with having the same features. If a startup launches the P2P platform for these audiences surely as an entrepreneur they attain success in the crypto field by offering exclusive features. From doing this business following are the monetization options available to earn profit

    • Trading Fee

    • Advertisement Fee

    • Listing Fee

    • Deposit and withdrawal Fee

    Features to must staying on the P2P crypto exchange platform

    • Crypto Wallet

    • Smart contract-powered escrow protection

    • Two Factor Authentication

    • Live chat

    • Various payment options

    To Recognize easily between the crypto enthusiasts quickly start a P2P crypto exchange business like remitano with the help of the remitano clone script. Afterward, you can see your growth in step by step.

    Email id:

    Contact number: 9360780106

    Joe@8112000 replied 3 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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