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  • Home makers start your future with Singlebag Partner Program

    Posted by Singlebag on July 28, 2022 at 5:37 pm

    Singlebag enables women from different backgrounds, expertise, and walks of life to set up an online front that turned their passion into full-time businesses. We’ll be able to support them at various stages of their own business by creating an online store, maximizing their business reach, sell their products & globally at less cost and effort.

    There are many benefits for homemakers. This can be a huge perk when you have a family at home. It allows you to be more flexible with your time and schedule for yourself and the merchant also. Singlebag makes easier life for both homemaker and store owner.

    Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that you get to be your own boss and set your own hours. Another big benefit is that you can often work from home.

    As a partner, you’ll onboard clients to Singlebag and for referring clients Singlebag pays you 25% recurring revenue share.

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    #Onlinebusiness #business #startups #entrepreneurs #onlinestores #storeowner 

    Singlebag replied 2 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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