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  • Marketplace VS Ecommerce website

    Posted by Ramkumar on June 8, 2022 at 7:20 pm

    eCommerce platforms give you the tools to build your very own online store, while the marketplace lets you sell alongside other online sellers.

    So selling through the marketplace is like having a shopin a famous mall. Thousands of people come in to browse and buy, most of them aren’t looking for your business in particular.

    Selling with an eCommerce platform is more like renting a building to set up your business in. You have your ownspace and customers come looking for your store once they know your brand.

    Marketplaces are suitable for individual sellers up to small and medium-sized businesses. Whereas an eCommerce platform is ideal for everything from small businesses up to much larger brands.

    Hope this helps!

    Vidhya replied 2 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Srisachin K

    June 9, 2022 at 11:12 am
    590 Coins


    ·       Target audience is bigger as marketplaces offer a huge choice.

    ·       Support sellers’ marketing efforts through attracting, nurturing, and engaging leads on the site.

    ·       Don’t run inventory.

    ·       Quick to set up. In most cases, you can do so in a day or less.

    ·       Charge commissions (usually between 5-15%); some charge for membership. Low or no costs upon setup.

    E-commerce platform:

    ·       The store owner needs to attract traffic to the website.

    ·       The seller needs to take care of the lead generation

    ·       eCommerce sites run inventory.

    ·       You set up the entire site yourself; it can be time-consuming upfront.

    ·       No commission: the seller pays for hosting/maintaining the site online.

  • Santhosh

    June 9, 2022 at 11:39 am
    1605 Coins

    Benefits of an e-commerce platform

     Control over site functionality and features

    Command over site usefulness and elements

    With your own online business stage, the potential outcomes are huge. You can redo your eCommerce website precisely the way that you believe that it should be.

    No on-site competition / Greater brand recognition

    Having your own eCommerce site makes a particular spotlight on your business. This helps cultivate brand unwaveringness among your clients. While in an online marketplace commercial centre, all brands and organizations are together as per their classes, making it critical rivalry for retailers to have their items rank higher than others.

    Fewer restrictions and rules

    Retailers who belong to a marketplace ecosystem are bound by the rules set by the platform owner, such as fair pricing and sales restriction of certain products. Operating your own e-commerce site sets you free from such restrictions, so that you can sell on your own terms without the fear of being suspended or banned by the platform owner.


    Benefits of an online marketplace

     Quick to set up 

    Building your own e-commerce site can be easy or complicated – it depends on what features and functionalities you require, and what development experience is needed. Setting up your store on marketplaces is often a much simpler affair, requiring less time and effort to register on the platform, list your products and start selling.

    No site or server maintenance / minimal tech experience required

    With an online marketplace, the platform owner has the responsibility to maintain the website and to offer a secure shopping and payment process for everyone. As a retailer, you would not have to worry about troubleshooting technical issues related to the functionality of the site.

    Strength in numbers

    The variety of products and retailers offered in an online marketplace is exactly what attracts customers – it is just like how a shopping mall functions in brick-and-mortar retail. This means that sellers registered to a marketplace platform can already leverage on the latter’s strength and volume of visitors, unlike e-commerce websites which have to build traffic from scratch.


  • Megha

    June 9, 2022 at 11:54 am
    202 Coins

    A marketplace website is a type of eCommerce site. A marketplace website generally acts as an aggregate or multi-vendor online store. Whereas a more traditional concept of an eCommerce website may be considered as selling products from a single vendor.

    Hope this is understandable!

  • Vidhya

    June 9, 2022 at 12:05 pm
    515 Coins
    Badges: singlebag badges Newbie

    Hey All,

    Single Vendor Marketplace or a Stand Alone Website can be utilized to depict a site where you have a solitary merchant/vendor/proprietor offering items to various clients. There are just two gatherings engaged with this straightforward purchasing selling process. One is the purchaser while the other is the vender.

    The product posting is overseen by the dealer. As indicated by the stage on which the site is fabricated he can list the item through the backend.

    Multi-Vendor Marketplace – In a multi-vendor framework there are various dealers known as sellers who sell their items on a stage/commercial center possessed by a manager. Purchasers/Customers come to the commercial center and get the amazing chance to buy the item from different merchants/brands.

    Items are recorded by the merchants/dealers and are just apparent/sold when the manager supports them.

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